Bulletin #41: EFS Batch Upload Feature Available
General Bulletin #41
EFS Batch Upload Feature Available
The Batch Upload feature of the Association's Electronic Filing System (EFS) is now available to the full membership. The Batch Upload feature allows members who can extract data from their management system to upload it in bulk form to the EFS and receive an instantaneous response indicating acceptance, or detailing errors in the batch.
In order to use this feature, your IT department or management system vendor will need to set up a way to extract data from your system into a file that is then uploaded to our system via the EFS. These files must be in one of several specifically formatted types.
Batch Upload files can be in flat file (.txt), comma separated values (.csv) or XML formats. Specifications for these formats can be found by visiting our website and clicking on "FILING INFO" then on "BATCH UPLOAD" or you can access the page directly with the following URL:
Please feel free to contact our office with any questions regarding this bulletin and the Batch Upload feature.